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Municipal Online Portal

The Village Online Portal, HeyGov.

Visit our online portal at or scan the QR Code.

 Through the online portal you can make payments, reserve a park shelter, and send requests to the Village.

NOW AVAILABLE: Recycle Card Renewals

Most Building Permit Applications can now be submitted online.

COMING SOON: You will soon be able to complete license applications.

Belgium Rummage Sale


The Village of Belgium annual rummage sale will be held on May 10th.  For information on how to participate or to download a sign up slip please use the links below:

Belgium Rummage Information

Belgium Rummage Sign Up

Garage Sale Items

Public Notices

Notice of Rate Increase
Water Customers of the Belgium Municipal Water Utility


This is to give you notice that the Belgium Municipal Water Utility will file an application on January 27, 2025, with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC), for authority to increase water rates.  Rates for general service will increase 4.1 percent.  The increase is necessary to reduce the existing deficiency in present rates.  The request is being made under Wis. Stat. 196.193. Rate increases granted under this statute do not require a public hearing. The effect of the increase for some selected customers is shown below. Public Fire Protection and Wholesale rates (if applicable) will also increase 4.1 percent.

Screenshot 2025-01-21 120955.png

Belgium Municipal Water Utility anticipates that this rate increase will go into effect on March 15, 2025. If you have any questions about the rate increase request, call the Belgium Municipal Water Utility at (262) 285-7931.



Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may submit a request to vote an absentee ballot to their municipal clerk. 

A qualified elector is any U.S. citizen who:

  • will be 18 years of age or older on Election Day.

  • has resided in the ward or municipality where they wish to vote for at least 28 consecutive days before the election. 


The elector must also be registered to vote to receive an absentee ballot.  Proof of identification must be provided before an absentee ballot may be issued*.


Making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail

Contact your municipal clerk and request that an application for an absentee ballot be sent to you for the primary or election or both.  You may make a written application to your municipal clerk for an absentee ballot by mail, by fax, by email or at Or you may apply in person at the clerk’s office during the In-Person Absentee Voting period listed below.

Your written request must include:

  1. your voting address within the municipality where you wish to vote

  2. the address where the absentee ballot should be sent, if different from the address above

  3. your signature 

  4. a copy of your photo identification*


The deadline for making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail is:

5:00 p.m. on the fifth day before the election, March 28, 2025**.

*Voters who are indefinitely confined due to age, illness, infirmity, or disability may not be required to provide photo ID. If this applies to you, contact the municipal clerk regarding deadlines for requesting and submitting an absentee ballot.


**Special absentee voting application provisions apply to electors who are indefinitely confined, in the military, hospitalized, or serving as a sequestered juror.  If this applies to you, contact the municipal clerk regarding deadlines for requesting and submitting an absentee ballot.


Voting an absentee ballot in person

You may also request and vote an absentee ballot in the clerk's office or other specified location during the days and hours specified for casting an absentee ballot in person.


Village of Belgium Clerk:  Theresa Bartley - Phone:  262-285-7931

Village Hall address:  104 Peter Thein Avenue

Days and hours of absentee voting: Monday-Thursday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Friday, 8:00 am to noon                    


The first day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office is:  Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 8:00 am

The last day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk's office is:  Friday, March 28, 2025, 5:00 pm


No in-person absentee voting may occur on the day before the election. The municipal clerk will deliver voted ballots returned on or before Election Day to the proper polling place or counting location before the polls close on April 1, 2025.  Any ballots received after the polls close will not be counted.



At the Spring Election to be held on April 1, 2025, in the Village of Belgium, the following polling place location will be used for the wards indicated:


Location                                 Wards

Belgium Village Hall                 Wards 1, 2, and 3

104 Peter Thein Ave

Belgium, WI  53004


ALL POLLING PLACES WILL OPEN AT 7:00 A.M. AND WILL CLOSE AT 8:00 P.M.   This polling place is accessible to elderly and disabled voters.


If you have any questions concerning your polling place, contact the municipal clerk.


Village Clerk, Theresa Bartley

104 Peter Thein Ave


M-Thur. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

F 8:00 am to 12:00 pm


Notice of Meeting of the Local and Municipal Board of Canvassers (MBOC)

At the close of voting on Election Day, pursuant to the provisions of Wis. Stat. § 19.84, the Election Inspectors will convene as a joint meeting of the Local Board of Canvassers and the MBOC for the purpose of conducting the local and municipal canvasses pursuant to Wis. Stat. §§7.51 and 7.53(1). This meeting will be open to the public pursuant to Wis. Stat. §§ 19.81-89.

Calendar of Events

The calendar will show any Board or Committee Meetings that have been posted as well as Community Events.  You may click on event listings for more information.

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Belgium Village Hall

104 Peter Thein Avenue 

Belgium, WI 53004-9520

Phone: 262-285-7931

Email Village Hall

Business Hours


8 am - 5 pm


8 am - Noon

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