Polling hours are from 7:00 am-8:00 pm at:
Belgium Village Hall
104 Peter Thein Ave
Belgium, WI 53004
If you moved to Belgium and would like to avoid delays on Election Day, please register to vote prior to an election. You may register to vote by mail, in person, or online at https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us. If you choose to register to vote by mail, proof of residency is required (details on acceptable proof of residency can be found in the instructions of the Voter Registration Form). If you register in person, the Clerk or Deputy Clerk must also see your proof of residency.
Absentee ballots are available approximately three weeks prior to an election. You may request an absentee ballot by mail, in person, or online at https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us. If the request for an absentee ballot is made by mail it must be in the office of the municipal clerk no later than 5pm on the Thursday preceding an election. This is the last day a clerk can mail an Absentee Ballot to an elector. If the request for an absentee ballot is made in person at the clerk's office, it can be made until 5pm on the Friday preceding the election.
Please contact the Village Clerk, Theresa Bartley, if you have any election questions or concerns at 262-285-7931 or Click to Email
You can download and complete the required election forms by clicking the links:
EL-131 Voter Registration Form