Garbage & Recycling
Residential garbage and recycling in the Village of Belgium is collected every week in roll-out carts by Waste Management. Their automated cart collection program is designed to make it easier and safer to handle your waste and recycling.
Recycling is “single stream”, meaning that you do not need to sort your recyclables – just toss them in your designated recycling bin. Additional information and a list of acceptable recyclable items can be found by clicking on the link:
Garbage & Recycling Information
The Village of Belgium collection day is on Fridays except on holiday weeks. Carts should be placed curbside by 7:00 am on the day of collection but NOT before 5:00 pm the evening before. Both carts should be within 18” of the curb with arrows on lids pointing towards the street and 3’ of space between them.
Place carts at least 3’ away from mailboxes, lamp posts, and other fixed objects.
Place carts on as level of a surface as possible, but away from low-hanging tree branches.
Lids should be closed on carts in order to stop material from spilling or blowing (per §231.3(c), residents must pick-up any trash within 24 hours).
Additional Information
The garbage and recycling carts may only be used for their intended purposes. Any alterations or improvements to the containers will be considered damage to Waste Management’s property beyond normal wear and tear, and will result in a charge directly to the resident for the replacement cost.
Residents who have built a new house in the Village of Belgium must contact the Village Clerk at (262) 285-7931 to arrange for delivery of their garbage and recycling carts when they move in.
Residents who have purchased an existing home in the Village but have a need to change the size of the garbage and recycling carts at the property from the prior owner, must also contact the Village Clerk at (262) 285-7931 for details and possible scheduling of replacement carts.
Hazardous Waste Disposal
For disposal of Hazardous Waste or items not accepted at the Village Recycle Center can be taken to Veolia ES Technical Solutions LLC, 1275 Mineral Springs Drive, Port Washington, WI 53004. Fees are charged on a per pound or unit basis. For more information on their Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off click the link:
Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off